Get Balance by Address
Retrieve the balance of an address at a specific block.
Free [2 Credits]
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
address | String | Yes | String containing the address hash. |
block | String | No | Block number as a string, or latest, earliest, or pending. Defaults to latest. |
Sample Response
"status": "1",
"message": "OK",
"result": "0x9d17c5ab6dc94349e0821e"
Get Multiple Balances by Addresses
Retrieve the balances of multiple addresses at a specific block.
Free [2 Credits]
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
address | String | Yes | String containing the address hash, comma separated. Max 20 addresses. |
Sample Response
Get Transaction List by Address
Retrieve a list of transactions for a given address.
Free [2 Credits]
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
addressHash | String | Yes | String Address hash to retrieve transactions for. |
startblock | Integer | No | integer Block number to start searching from. Defaults to 0. |
endblock | Integer | No | integer Block number to end searching at. Defaults to latest. |
sort | String | No | sorting preference, asc for ascending and desc for descending. Defaults to asc. |
page | Integer | No | integer Page number for pagination. Defaults to 1. |
offset | Integer | No | integer Number of transactions per page. Defaults to 10. |
Sample Response
"status": "1",
"message": "OK",
"result": [
"hash": "0x2428e82e8ddfc0f69916e949ff75eebc5a3256001967ac6c801e9b09048cf18e",
"blockNumber": "62192310",
"timeStamp": "1623914760",
"nonce": "2",
"blockHash": "0x26d721dbb12bc08a5a280f67ae64f9421c4e7a4915bc45c0e742cd7928c018fc",
"transactionIndex": "0",
"from": "0xe472c38ea81a356d3b1d7907c41761bf9facae02",
"to": "0x86d2660297c82ac656715e00c979fb5ca65eecc5",
"value": "0.4",
"gas": "100000",
"gasPrice": "0.000000025",
"isError": "",
"txreceipt_status": "true",
"input": "null",
"contractAddress": "",
"gasUsed": "21000",
"confirmations": "114515032",
"methodId": "",
"functionName": "",
"cumulativeGasUsed": "21000"
"hash": "0xed7e94a8fec8145901476f18296ac87e30c5fc2c7c2ba5a7616896aca265d30a",
"blockNumber": "62712789",
"timeStamp": "1624435287",
"nonce": "0",
"blockHash": "0xc21f83e6b3ad9058293b1816c07b8f534873480a3da5830c744f81690a6388aa",
"transactionIndex": "0",
"from": "0x86d2660297c82ac656715e00c979fb5ca65eecc5",
"to": "0x7ac3422fd6f855aad8b60e538571347dd668b58e",
"value": "0.05",
"gas": "21000",
"gasPrice": "0.000000025",
"isError": "",
"txreceipt_status": "true",
"input": "0x",
"contractAddress": "",
"gasUsed": "21000",
"confirmations": "113994553",
"methodId": "",
"functionName": "",
"cumulativeGasUsed": "21000"
Get Internal Transactions by Address
Retrieve a list of internal transactions for a given address.
Free [2 Credits]
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
addressHash | String | Yes | String Address hash to retrieve transactions for. |
startblock | Integer | No | integer Block number to start searching from. Defaults to 0. |
endblock | Integer | No | integer Block number to end searching at. Defaults to latest. |
sort | String | No | sorting preference, asc for ascending and desc for descending. Defaults to asc. |
page | Integer | No | integer Page number for pagination. Defaults to 1. |
offset | Integer | No | integer Number of transactions per page. Defaults to 10. |
Sample Response
"status": "1",
"message": "OK",
"result": [
"hash": "0x9fc4601223e74f0a9cb599db37b10291c2a7fe1663f619bc34f4e146bf3a3324",
"blockNumber": "176706603",
"timeStamp": "1738731516",
"from": "0x86d2660297c82ac656715e00c979fb5ca65eecc5",
"to": "0xb09aa8555a476ae078e5b5624edf8e6e4466a336",
"value": "564.784053",
"gas": "200000",
"isError": "",
"errCode": "",
"input": "0x",
"contractAddress": "",
"gasUsed": "21000",
"type": "CALL",
"traceId": "1767066030000100000"
"hash": "0x9fc4601223e74f0a9cb599db37b10291c2a7fe1663f619bc34f4e146bf3a3324",
"blockNumber": "176706603",
"timeStamp": "1738731516",
"from": "0x86d2660297c82ac656715e00c979fb5ca65eecc5",
"to": "0xb09aa8555a476ae078e5b5624edf8e6e4466a336",
"value": "564.784053",
"gas": "200000",
"isError": "",
"errCode": "",
"input": "0x",
"contractAddress": "",
"gasUsed": "21000",
"type": "CALL",
"traceId": "1767066890000200000"
Get token transfer events by address
Retrieve a list of token transfer events from an address. The results can be filtered by contract address, block range, and sorting preferences.
Free [2 Credits]
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
addressHash | String | Yes | String containing the address hash. |
contractAddress | String | No | string with the token contract address to identify a contract. |
sort | String | No | sorting preference, asc for ascending and desc for descending. Descending is default. |
startblock | Integer | No | integer block number to start transaction search. |
endblock | Integer | No | integer block number to stop transaction search. |
page | Integer | No | integer representing the page number used for pagination. Offset must also be provided. |
offset | Integer | No | integer representing number of transactions returned per page. Page must also be provided. |
Sample Response
"status": "1",
"message": "OK",
"result": [
"hash": "0xca0190b5fd4a985d780b561839d3ce939e39a280ceec78a13eb2a6b620595bc9",
"blockNumber": "113216847",
"timeStamp": "1675123902",
"nonce": "8",
"blockHash": "0x666c7d181385046b2606215fc0b908796cb7a6a882bfd20530fed091022d2bfc",
"transactionIndex": "7",
"logIndex": "4",
"from": "0x5b5e08246c597c722ac00350669766d2b095ce77",
"to": "0x1c4ceba2f63b33f6187c49d6e51f9a21d954eeb2",
"gas": "158963",
"gasPrice": "0.00000005",
"input": "deprecated",
"contractAddress": "",
"gasUsed": "133214",
"confirmations": "61091258",
"tokenName": "Iskra Mission Card",
"tokenSymbol": "Iskra Mission Card",
"tokenDecimal": "0",
"tokenID": "20003",
"tokenValue": "1",
"cumulativeGasUsed": "7561028"
"hash": "0x1a6953de67e157bf2f8dc1cd9e631a2b6820de9e8726b8795361d7a17c5eed1a",
"blockNumber": "113389509",
"timeStamp": "1675296591",
"nonce": "11",
"blockHash": "0x896ac946424db0336dc41449c95e9822bb3c7e715358e46cc366cc3d5e209c0a",
"transactionIndex": "12",
"logIndex": "4",
"from": "0x5b5e08246c597c722ac00350669766d2b095ce77",
"to": "0x1c4ceba2f63b33f6187c49d6e51f9a21d954eeb2",
"gas": "177248",
"gasPrice": "0.00000005",
"input": "deprecated",
"contractAddress": "",
"gasUsed": "148214",
"confirmations": "60918596",
"tokenName": "Iskra Mission Card",
"tokenSymbol": "Iskra Mission Card",
"tokenDecimal": "0",
"tokenID": "20004",
"tokenValue": "1",
"cumulativeGasUsed": "1753818"
Get ERC-721/KIP17 token transfer events by address
This API endpoint retrieves ERC-721/KIP17 token transfer events for a specific address.
Free [2 Credits]
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
addressHash | String | Yes | String containing the address hash. |
contractAddress | String | No | string with the token contract address to identify a contract. |
sort | String | No | sorting preference, asc for ascending and desc for descending. Descending is default. |
startblock | Integer | No | integer block number to start transaction search. |
endblock | Integer | No | integer block number to stop transaction search. |
page | Integer | No | integer representing the page number used for pagination. Offset must also be provided. |
offset | Integer | No | integer representing number of transactions returned per page. Page must also be provided. |
Sample Response
"status": "1",
"message": "OK",
"result": [
"hash": "0xe058c96e3e88080df5cc99c723768a98a0216129fcce60603c71bc22b77aaa90",
"blockNumber": "128167933",
"timeStamp": "1690127166",
"nonce": "20374",
"blockHash": "0xf8a56a404b401f5d9727e9ab4e52fb039bb484c296ffe192b4c40d343839a3e4",
"transactionIndex": "1",
"logIndex": "4",
"from": "0xdc507f860e44b85b7a329a1a6db5fd7a53ebcb8a",
"to": "0x93ff6a12d0726603b7a3c09f0c6a2da02121c363",
"gas": "27847983",
"gasPrice": "0.000000025",
"input": "deprecated",
"contractAddress": "",
"gasUsed": "27831223",
"confirmations": "46138753",
"tokenName": "Ether Capsule Collaborators",
"tokenSymbol": "ECC",
"tokenDecimal": "0",
"tokenID": "8798",
"tokenValue": "1",
"cumulativeGasUsed": "28245771"
Get a list of 'ERC1155 - Token Transfer Events' by Address
Returns the list of ERC-1155 ( Multi Token Standard ) tokens transferred by an address, with optional filtering by token contract.
Free [2 Credits]
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
addressHash | String | Yes | String containing the address hash. |
contractAddress | String | Yes | string with the token contract address to identify a contract. |
sort | String | No | sorting preference, asc for ascending and desc for descending. Descending is default. |
startblock | Integer | No | integer block number to start transaction search. |
endblock | Integer | No | integer block number to stop transaction search. |
page | Integer | No | integer representing the page number used for pagination. Offset must also be provided. |
offset | Integer | No | integer representing number of transactions returned per page. Page must also be provided. |
Sample Response
"status": "1",
"message": "OK",
"result": [
"hash": "0x219dfe3502dc634e345320a8bc2b0dbfd8a40f9797c20d4a6439bedc9462d4df",
"blockNumber": "112297305",
"timeStamp": "1674204102",
"nonce": "696",
"blockHash": "0x02b2036e1a353984e74d09299bee5a097503cedc3ea159882fc37585fd565d61",
"transactionIndex": "5",
"from": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"to": "0xc30dffb7eaeda1bf31344f902d2e2b5938553a35",
"gas": "254218",
"gasPrice": "0.000000025",
"input": "0x1f7fdffa000000000000000000000000c",
"contractAddress": "0x30398ce8494b95e94a269594a5596ef42c7132c9",
"gasUsed": "254218",
"confirmations": "66816185",
"tokenName": "Iskra Mission Card",
"tokenSymbol": "Iskra Mission Card",
"tokenDecimal": "0",
"tokenID": "20001",
"tokenValue": "10000",
"cumulativeGasUsed": "8703762",
"logIndex": "30"
Get Token Balance by Address
Retrieve the balance of a specific ERC-20 token for a given address.
Free [2 Credits]
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
address | String | Yes | Address hash to retrieve the token balance for. |
contractAddress | String | No | token contract address. |
Sample Response
"status": "1",
"message": "OK",
"result": "0"
Get list of tokens owned by address
Retrieve a list of tokens owned by a specific address. The response includes details about token balances, contract addresses, and token metadata.
Free [2 Credits]
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
address | String | Yes | String containing the address hash. |
Sample Response
"status": "1",
"message": "OK",
"result": [
"balance": "1300000000000000000000",
"contractAddress": "0x9ccd554ae323b4fd48796b1e9085d72f7a285a19",
"decimals": "18",
"name": "$",
"symbol": "Claim USDC at",
"type": "ERC-20"
"balance": "290000000000000000000",
"contractAddress": "0x3f62fe052f7ab25f95ce1bbdb6c3aeec70150473",
"decimals": "18",
"name": "",
"symbol": "",
"type": "ERC-20"
"balance": "600000000000000000000000000",
"contractAddress": "0x4eb00c361dcb1cebc05c05dbafd566458774afeb",
"decimals": "18",
"name": "",
"symbol": "",
"type": "ERC-20"
"balance": "100000000000000000000000000",
"contractAddress": "0xa00532d543895569074a8aef1f639f7e09dfc15b",
"decimals": "18",
"name": "",
"symbol": "",
"type": "ERC-20"
"balance": "4000000000000000000",
"contractAddress": "0x0f58d0abaae2f586b0d3b6d045305463e89ba603",
"decimals": "18",
"name": "KKUL THE PARROT",
"symbol": "KKULP",
"type": "ERC-20"
Get Mined Blocks by Address
Retrieve a list of blocks mined by a specific address.
Free [2 Credits]
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
address | String | Yes | String containing the address hash. |
page | String | No | Page number for pagination. Defaults to 1. |
offset | String | Yes | Number of results per page. Defaults to 10. |
Sample Response
"status": "1",
"message": "OK",
"result": [
"blockNumber": "176709528",
"blockReward": "217864089194720699485260999639379066075266976772",
"timeStamp": "1738734441"
"blockNumber": "176709455",
"blockReward": "217864089194720699485260999639379066075266976772",
"timeStamp": "1738734368"
"blockNumber": "176709410",
"blockReward": "217864089194720699485260999639379066075266976772",
"timeStamp": "1738734323"
Get List of Accounts
Lists accounts and native balances, sorted ascending by the time they were first seen by the explorer.
Free [2 Credits]
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
address | String | Yes | String containing the address hash. |
page | String | No | Page number for pagination. Defaults to 1. |
offset | String | Yes | Number of results per page. Defaults to 10. |
Sample Response
"status": "1",
"message": "OK",
"result": [
"account": "0x7f5923e9c58d759a446705bcfe2493b10788f4c7",
"balance": "888719489.888490862061831497",
"stale": false
"account": "0xd44373d59fbdaac5a47f582783439fad124a6f1f",
"balance": "338493633.516551553506201471",
"stale": false