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Get a list of 'ERC1155/KIP37 - Token Transfer Events' by Address

Returns the list of ERC-1155/KIP37 (Multi Token Standard) tokens transferred by an address, with optional filtering by token contract.



Request Parameters

addressHashStringYesString containing the address hash.
contractAddressStringNostring with the token contract address to identify a contract.
sortStringNosorting preference, asc for ascending and desc for descending. Descending is default.
startblockIntegerNointeger block number to start transaction search.
endblockIntegerNointeger block number to stop transaction search.
pageIntegerNointeger representing the page number used for pagination. Offset must also be provided.
offsetIntegerNointeger representing number of transactions returned per page. Page must also be provided.

Sample Response

"status": "1",
"message": "OK",
"result": [
"hash": "0xca0190b5fd4a985d780b561839d3ce939e39a280ceec78a13eb2a6b620595bc9",
"blockNumber": "113216847",
"timeStamp": "1675123902",
"nonce": "8",
"blockHash": "0x666c7d181385046b2606215fc0b908796cb7a6a882bfd20530fed091022d2bfc",
"transactionIndex": "7",
"from": "0x5b5e08246c597c722ac00350669766d2b095ce77",
"to": "0x1c4ceba2f63b33f6187c49d6e51f9a21d954eeb2",
"gas": "158963",
"gasPrice": "0.00000005",
"input": "deprecated",
"contractAddress": "",
"gasUsed": "133214",
"confirmations": "61091258",
"tokenName": "Iskra Mission Card",
"tokenSymbol": "Iskra Mission Card",
"tokenDecimal": "0",
"tokenID": "20003",
"tokenValue": "1",
"cumulativeGasUsed": "7561028"
"hash": "0x1a6953de67e157bf2f8dc1cd9e631a2b6820de9e8726b8795361d7a17c5eed1a",
"blockNumber": "113389509",
"timeStamp": "1675296591",
"nonce": "11",
"blockHash": "0x896ac946424db0336dc41449c95e9822bb3c7e715358e46cc366cc3d5e209c0a",
"transactionIndex": "12",
"from": "0x5b5e08246c597c722ac00350669766d2b095ce77",
"to": "0x1c4ceba2f63b33f6187c49d6e51f9a21d954eeb2",
"gas": "177248",
"gasPrice": "0.00000005",
"input": "deprecated",
"contractAddress": "",
"gasUsed": "148214",
"confirmations": "60918596",
"tokenName": "Iskra Mission Card",
"tokenSymbol": "Iskra Mission Card",
"tokenDecimal": "0",
"tokenID": "20004",
"tokenValue": "1",
"cumulativeGasUsed": "1753818"


statusString1 for success, 0 for failure.
messageStringOK for success, or a descriptive error message.
resultStringJSON string containing the ABI of the verified contract, which can be parsed and used directly.

Get ERC-721/KIP17 token transfer events by address

This API endpoint retrieves ERC-721/KIP17 token transfer events for a specific address.



Request Parameters

addressHashStringYesString containing the address hash.
contractAddressStringNostring with the token contract address to identify a contract.
sortStringNosorting preference, asc for ascending and desc for descending. Descending is default.
startblockIntegerNointeger block number to start transaction search.
endblockIntegerNointeger block number to stop transaction search.
pageIntegerNointeger representing the page number used for pagination. Offset must also be provided.
offsetIntegerNointeger representing number of transactions returned per page. Page must also be provided.

Sample Response

"status": "1",
"message": "OK",
"result": [
"hash": "0xe058c96e3e88080df5cc99c723768a98a0216129fcce60603c71bc22b77aaa90",
"blockNumber": "128167933",
"timeStamp": "1690127166",
"nonce": "20374",
"blockHash": "0xf8a56a404b401f5d9727e9ab4e52fb039bb484c296ffe192b4c40d343839a3e4",
"transactionIndex": "1",
"logIndex": "4",
"from": "0xdc507f860e44b85b7a329a1a6db5fd7a53ebcb8a",
"to": "0x93ff6a12d0726603b7a3c09f0c6a2da02121c363",
"gas": "27847983",
"gasPrice": "0.000000025",
"input": "deprecated",
"contractAddress": "",
"gasUsed": "27831223",
"confirmations": "46138753",
"tokenName": "Ether Capsule Collaborators",
"tokenSymbol": "ECC",
"tokenDecimal": "0",
"tokenID": "8798",
"tokenValue": "1",
"cumulativeGasUsed": "28245771"


statusString1 for success, 0 for failure.
messageStringOK for success, or a descriptive error message.
resultStringJSON string containing the ABI of the verified contract, which can be parsed and used directly.

Get list of tokens owned by address

Retrieve a list of tokens owned by a specific address. The response includes details about token balances, contract addresses, and token metadata.



Request Parameters

addressStringYesString containing the address hash.

Sample Response

"status": "1",
"message": "OK",
"result": [
"balance": "1300000000000000000000",
"contractAddress": "0x9ccd554ae323b4fd48796b1e9085d72f7a285a19",
"decimals": "18",
"name": "$",
"symbol": "Claim USDC at",
"type": "ERC-20"
"balance": "290000000000000000000",
"contractAddress": "0x3f62fe052f7ab25f95ce1bbdb6c3aeec70150473",
"decimals": "18",
"name": "",
"symbol": "",
"type": "ERC-20"
"balance": "600000000000000000000000000",
"contractAddress": "0x4eb00c361dcb1cebc05c05dbafd566458774afeb",
"decimals": "18",
"name": "",
"symbol": "",
"type": "ERC-20"
"balance": "100000000000000000000000000",
"contractAddress": "0xa00532d543895569074a8aef1f639f7e09dfc15b",
"decimals": "18",
"name": "",
"symbol": "",
"type": "ERC-20"
"balance": "4000000000000000000",
"contractAddress": "0x0f58d0abaae2f586b0d3b6d045305463e89ba603",
"decimals": "18",
"name": "KKUL THE PARROT",
"symbol": "KKULP",
"type": "ERC-20"


  1. Retrieve all tokens owned by an address
    Specify the address parameter to get the list of all tokens owned by the address.

  2. Analyze token balances
    Use the balance, decimals, and contractAddress fields to calculate token holdings in their full numeric values.

  3. Token type identification
    Leverage the type field to distinguish between token standards such as ERC-20, ERC-721, and others.


statusString1 for success, 0 for failure.
messageStringOK for success, or a descriptive error message.
resultStringJSON string containing the ABI of the verified contract, which can be parsed and used directly.

Get token transfer events by address

Retrieve a list of token transfer events from an address. The results can be filtered by contract address, block range, and sorting preferences.



Request Parameters

addressHashStringYesString containing the address hash.
contractAddressStringNostring with the token contract address to identify a contract.
sortStringNosorting preference, asc for ascending and desc for descending. Descending is default.
startblockIntegerNointeger block number to start transaction search.
endblockIntegerNointeger block number to stop transaction search.
pageIntegerNointeger representing the page number used for pagination. Offset must also be provided.
offsetIntegerNointeger representing number of transactions returned per page. Page must also be provided.

Sample Response

"status": "1",
"message": "OK",
"result": [
"hash": "0xca0190b5fd4a985d780b561839d3ce939e39a280ceec78a13eb2a6b620595bc9",
"blockNumber": "113216847",
"timeStamp": "1675123902",
"nonce": "8",
"blockHash": "0x666c7d181385046b2606215fc0b908796cb7a6a882bfd20530fed091022d2bfc",
"transactionIndex": "7",
"logIndex": "4",
"from": "0x5b5e08246c597c722ac00350669766d2b095ce77",
"to": "0x1c4ceba2f63b33f6187c49d6e51f9a21d954eeb2",
"gas": "158963",
"gasPrice": "0.00000005",
"input": "deprecated",
"contractAddress": "",
"gasUsed": "133214",
"confirmations": "61091258",
"tokenName": "Iskra Mission Card",
"tokenSymbol": "Iskra Mission Card",
"tokenDecimal": "0",
"tokenID": "20003",
"tokenValue": "1",
"cumulativeGasUsed": "7561028"
"hash": "0x1a6953de67e157bf2f8dc1cd9e631a2b6820de9e8726b8795361d7a17c5eed1a",
"blockNumber": "113389509",
"timeStamp": "1675296591",
"nonce": "11",
"blockHash": "0x896ac946424db0336dc41449c95e9822bb3c7e715358e46cc366cc3d5e209c0a",
"transactionIndex": "12",
"logIndex": "4",
"from": "0x5b5e08246c597c722ac00350669766d2b095ce77",
"to": "0x1c4ceba2f63b33f6187c49d6e51f9a21d954eeb2",
"gas": "177248",
"gasPrice": "0.00000005",
"input": "deprecated",
"contractAddress": "",
"gasUsed": "148214",
"confirmations": "60918596",
"tokenName": "Iskra Mission Card",
"tokenSymbol": "Iskra Mission Card",
"tokenDecimal": "0",
"tokenID": "20004",
"tokenValue": "1",
"cumulativeGasUsed": "1753818"


  1. Token transfer events from an address: Specify the address parameter.
  2. Token transfer events from a contract address: Specify the contractaddress parameter.
  3. Filter token transfer events by both address and contract address: Provide both address and contractaddress parameters.


statusString1 for success, 0 for failure.
messageStringOK for success, or a descriptive error message.
resultStringJSON string containing the ABI of the verified contract, which can be parsed and used directly.